domingo, junio 18, 2006

Today, Sunday, was a really fun day too. Church here isn´t until the afternoon, so some of us spent the morning horseback riding at the ranch that Mission Lazarus owns. It was pretty fun riding through the mountains and grass and mud and little bitty creeks...I had a pretty nice horse, so nice in fact, that Heath´s man horse had a little crush on her...we tried to keep them separated as much as possible to avoid any awkard circumstances...
I´m a little sunburned from the past couple of days, but it´s really not that bad...I will survive.

1 comentario:

laura jo dijo...

whew! i've tried to catch up on your blog, and you just have way too many adventures! i hope you're taking lots and lots of pictures because we're going to sit down and have a little party with you and look through ALL of them! we all really miss you. i would say come home soon, but you'd just be leaving again. therefore, i say, enjoy your adventure, (take lots of pictures) and i'll see you in august. :) mwah!