jueves, octubre 26, 2006

Facial Expressions

I have been told that I have certain uncontrollable facial expressions that reveal my thoughts of "that's stupid" or "you're an idiot". I'm aware of this, and sometimes I try to control it, but it's like a reflex and just happens. Tuesday in class, a student asked me why I always made faces when students made comments or asked questions. Today, a student asked me why I always make a face at him when he asks a question because it makes him feel stupid. I apologized, and told him not to take it personally, that I do it to everyone. I now feel that I should take extra care not to make kids feel stupid with my facial expressions.
My natural sarcastic tone of voice is also causing me problems. Kids don't know when I'm being sarcastic and when I'm being serious because things always come out in a sarcastic tone.
I think that I need a class in personal relations, or maybe just social skills.

domingo, octubre 15, 2006

Murman Wedding

Well, it happened...my friend Karyn got married and is now a Murman. The wedding went pretty well, and I had an all right time, I'm just in great need of a long nap. A couple little anecdotes...
Friday night I drove over to the Motel 6 to meet Pete and Kay and the kids so that they could follow me to the church for the rehearsal - I walk in their hotel room to find Ryan and Lauren playing in the toilet. Gross, yes, but even moreso than that it was funny! Especially when I went outside with Rhylyn and Ariel and Ryan came walking out with wet hair and a wet shirt. Gotta love those kids!!
Saturday when getting dressed, we realized that my dress was too big and wouldn't stay up. We didn't have any safety pins, so Karyn's aunt had to sew me into my dress.
They ran out of punch at the reception. I was thirsty.
One of my bridesmaid jobs was to make sure that Karyn's stuff got from the dressing room to the car before it was time to for them to leave. I thought that I was doing real good and got everything into the car. But after it was all over, Feydra found Karyn's make-up...anyone who knows Karyn knows that is a big deal...so, in a frenzy, I tried to call her to let her know that she was about to go to Costa Rica for a week without any mascara, then I remembered that I had put her phone in the trunk, so then I called Chris, and luckily he answered...yes, this was awkward, and I so did not want to be calling them at this time, but what was I to do?? I was faced with a dilemma, and I made a choice....anyway, they were just over at the house cleaning up the superb mess that we made with the car, so it wasn't that big of a deal and I just drove the make-up over.
That's it. No more fun wedding stories. Ha! Just kidding, there's plenty more, I just don't feel like writing them.

domingo, octubre 08, 2006

Well, I finally finished the wagon. I think it turned out pretty nice.

martes, octubre 03, 2006

Man Runs to Child's Rescue

I am tired and busy and I just want to take a nap. I have now agreed to be the sponsor for CrimeStoppers as well as the new United Nations International Club. I'm excited about both, especially the international club, but I just feel like this is such a busy time right now. School is crazy, and I have a big wagon project that I'm working on for Karyn's wedding.
The other day I was at the mall with my sister, and I saw the parking spot that I wanted, so I slowed down and even turned my blinker on to make sure that I got it. As soon as I was ready to starting pulling in, this EXTREMELY slow kid starts walking in front of me, so, being the good driver that I am, I stopped and waited, and waited and waited, then all of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I see a man start running, and I mean he was sprinting towards the kid, as if he was going to try to push him out of the way as I ran over him. It was so funny....and it would have been even funnier had he actually tried to push the kid out of my way, but he just kept running past the kid. Val and I got a good laugh out of it. You gotta love funny things that could've been funnier.