viernes, junio 09, 2006

The other night in our house we had singing night, and I was all excited, ´cause sure, I like to sing, who doesn´t?? I was all ready for a fun night of karaoke style fun...but, oh boy, was I wrong...turns out, I´m the only intern who hasn´t had a formal singing education...Like, seriously, it was like being in the middle of the best world chorus, and I was the kid that they just let in because they felt sorry for me...I tried to have fun with it, but after like 2 hours, I was bored, and feeling very inadequate...they all took the singing so seriously, and weren´t really seeming like they would appreciate me busting a tune with my lovely vocal was kind of disappointing, but what do you do....
Yesterday we were walking to Milson´s house, and I tripped on the rocks like at least 5 times...
I´m having trouble thinking of more stories right now, but we´re going to the beach tomorrow, so I´m sure something fun will come of that...
Chau, que les vayan bien...

1 comentario:

Rebecca dijo...

I would sing with you!!!! Love you!