domingo, junio 11, 2006

Isla Amapala

Well, yesterday, Saturday, was beach day. I awoke with alarm at a brisk 7AM..and laid in bed as I waited for Bethany to finish in the shower...I kept hearing these gurgling sounds, and was curious, but continued to lay in wait, soon I heard a desperate shout for help...Help!!!...I went to see what was the matter, and the water in the apartment had run see, the power was out, and we had used up all of the water in the pressure thing...anyway, Bethany was covered in shaving cream, without any hope of water, so I brought her a cup of our precious drinking water so that she could rinse off...needless to say, I did not shower yesterday morning...we couldn´t flush the toilets either, but luckily the water left us at a time when no one was plagued with diarrhea...So, we all got dressed and loaded the truck to go to the beach...we have quite a weak vehicle, I think it has to do with horsepower or something, and with 10 of us piled it, it was slow moving...and with about 5 people riding in the back, it started to rain!! Oh, what a glorious start to our beach day!!

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