viernes, junio 29, 2007

Trip to Copan Ruinas

Last weekend, the other interns and I decided to travel up to the northern part of Honduras and go see the infamous Copan Ruinas. The trip was quite an adventure from the get-go.
We started out with 12 of us trying to ride, along with Jarrod, in his truck. We quickly discovered that wasn't going to work, so we split up and some of us crowded into some vans with the group. We we got to Tegus, where we were stopping over for the night, we only had two hotel rooms reserved for 12 people. 5 boys in one room, 7 girls in the other. We waited for over an hour at the Marriott to see if they had any rooms, they didn't, then we went to another hotel, and they didn't have any rooms either, so we smooshed. Sure, we could've found some other place to stay, but we wanted to do it the difficult way. We woke up bright and early Friday morning, to catch a 5:45 bus...but it was already full by the time we got there. So we went and ate donuts, and came back for the 10:00 bus, but it was delayed due to a school riot in Tegus, and the bus couldn't get through to come get us!! Finally, about 11:30 we were off. At the next stop, San Pedro Sula, we missed our connecting bus, so we went downtown and ate at McDonalds, then caught the 6:00 bus to Copan. We finally reached our destination about 9:30. Oh, and on the bus they played 3 Bruce Lee movies in a row...with full audio....the "hi-ya"s overpowered all of our ipods.
The rest of the trip was a little less eventful, but fun nonetheless. We saw the ruins and reinacted some human sacrificing and mayan ball playing. It was pretty fun. Sunday morning we woke up really early, caught a 5:15 bus out of Copan, made it to Tegus about 12:30 to find out that the next bus for San Marcos didn't leave until 4:30. So, we went to the mall and ate at Fridays, then went back to the bus station to find that there was an accident in Choluteca that was delaying our bus indefinitely. So, we waited, in the smelly bus station with no water in the bathroom (yuck!) and finally we pulled out about 6:30.
Needless to say, it was a long day......but don't you just love Central American timeschedules??

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