jueves, octubre 26, 2006

Facial Expressions

I have been told that I have certain uncontrollable facial expressions that reveal my thoughts of "that's stupid" or "you're an idiot". I'm aware of this, and sometimes I try to control it, but it's like a reflex and just happens. Tuesday in class, a student asked me why I always made faces when students made comments or asked questions. Today, a student asked me why I always make a face at him when he asks a question because it makes him feel stupid. I apologized, and told him not to take it personally, that I do it to everyone. I now feel that I should take extra care not to make kids feel stupid with my facial expressions.
My natural sarcastic tone of voice is also causing me problems. Kids don't know when I'm being sarcastic and when I'm being serious because things always come out in a sarcastic tone.
I think that I need a class in personal relations, or maybe just social skills.

2 comentarios:

Rebecca dijo...

lol- well, recognizing the prob is the first step towards fixing it. guess you're not one of those teachers (which would be most teachers) that says that there are no stupid questions. hhmmm. is it the puckered lip look of you're stupid that you're making at your kids? that's a ruff one!

Rachel dijo...

Ahh, yes. I know those looks well. Aren't children such delicate, wussy creatures? You should have told them you had a "condition" and made up a wild story about it...I bet you're making one of those faces right now.