sábado, noviembre 04, 2006

Centro Recreativo

Here's a fun school day quote:
"Donde esta el centro recreativo?"
"Esta en mis pantalones."

For those of you who are as bothered as I am, I haven't yet figured out how to do the accents and upside down question marks and stuff on my laptop yet....If you have any tips, please share.

2 comentarios:

Rebecca dijo...

well, i have it set up on my comp, and i dont remember exactly how i did it, but i think if you go to the control panel and fiddle around there will be a language option. once you click spanish, then it will put this handy dandy thing on that bar at the bottom of the screen. when you want your keyboard to do spanish stuff, you click on the icon and turn is to español. of course you'll have to figure out where all the symbols occur on the board. the ñ is the ; button and accents can be made by clicking the [ button and then hitting the vowel. ¿ is = button and ¡ is the same one but holding shift... and there's loads more, but you'll just have to spend some time hitting the keys to find out there new symbols... at ACU i wrote all over my keyboard with a red permanent marker for what it was in Spanish, but my keyboard now is black, so i havent gotten around to doing anything to it. okay, so it's definitely in the control panel somewhere. :)

Rebecca dijo...

ok, so i just looked:
control panel -> date, time, language options -> add a language

simple. love ya!