domingo, febrero 01, 2009

The Me That Would Be

I think that the 25 things that everyone are writing are like the best thing ever, and ever since I wrote mine, I keep thinking of things that I wish I would've put on mine, but that I just forgot about when I was writing it. So, I'm just going to make 25 more, only this time I'm writing 25 things that I wish were about me, but really aren't. In an ideal world, this is the me that would be.

1. I live in New York City. Everyday I walk to Central Park and eat a hot dog with lots of mustard on it. I meet all kinds of weird and interesting people everyday, and I can't get enough.
2. My little sister, Valerie, also lives in New York. She is studying biomedical engineering at NYU and we share an apartment. Sometimes we get on each other's nerves, but we have lots of fun together.
3. I have travelled to all 7 continents. Yes, that means that I have also been to Antarctica. Believe it or not, that was my favorite trip. It was amazing to see such broad expanses of "land" that are uninhabited by people. If I had to label a place as spiritual or mystical, that would be it.
4. I have small boobs. Sometimes I can't even find them.
5. I am fluent in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, Italian, Korean, and Turkish. I am working on Swahili.
6. I have 3 tattoos. One on my ankle, and two new ones on the insides of my feet. On each foot I have a map of half of the world tattooed, with little stars marking each place that I have ever travelled to. I update it everytime that I take a trip.
7. I have a medical condition, and my doctors tell me that I must eat one piece of cake or brownie everyday or I will die. I truly do eat chocolate to live.
8. I have never in my life seen an entire movie.
9. I commute to the Bronx everyday and am a teacher at a school there. I used to teach high school Spanish, but now I teach a curriculum that I created entitled "Expanding your worldview".
10. Even though we went through a tough time, I have a great relationship with my parents. They accept me for who I am and I am able to be myself around them. They never yell at me or chastise me for not being exactly what they expected, instead they praise me for being who I am.
11. Last year Val and I competed on the Amazing Race, you probably saw us. It was the most amazing experience of my life. And, now we have a million dollars, which helps us to afford living in New York.
12. Jess and Hamilton still live in Texas, and we go and visit them a lot, mostly so we can play with all eight of our nieces and nephews.
13. One spring break when I was in northwestern Canada I spend the night in an igloo.
14. I have an unfaltering faith in God.
15. I have been to Pamplona to run with the bulls three times. It's not as easy as it looks.
16. My job allows me enough time to be able to make all of my own clothes. It's awesome, and I also look very cool. I was finally able to upgrade to a new machine from the one that my mom got me in high school, but I still use my grandma's old serger. When I'm not busy making clothes, I like to quilt.
17. I have decoupaged all of the walls in our apartment, except for Val's room (I'm not allowed to touch that). Each room has a different theme, most of them travel related, except for the "family room", which is decoupaged with thousands of pictures of us with our family. It's pretty cool.
18. Once I had a non-speaking role in a Lifetime movie. I didn't say anything, but you can definitely see me. I have never seen the entire movie, only the parts that I am in.
19. I am very good about telling people that I care about them. I like to express my feelings, and I'm even an ok hugger.
20. Even though people think that I color it, I have naturally red hair and it's curly. I look just like little orphan Annie.
21. I don't know what people are talking about when they talk about having allergies, I have never experienced it myself, not even around cats.
22. It's a good thing that I live in New York, because I love pizza!
23. Next summer Val and I are travelling to Greece for 2 months.
24. I am a published author. I have written two novels, both of which are on the bestseller list. Right now I'm working on my memoirs, and hope to have them published within the next 3-5 years.
25. I am completely spontaneous and carefree. I don't worry about things before they happen. I just have faith in God and trust that everything will work out in its own way, and I live my life the best that I can.

1 comentario:

Jessica dijo...

Estoy confundido. I think you already have red hair that is curly and looks like Little Orphan Annie. I thought these were things that you wished were true??