domingo, febrero 24, 2008

New Yorker??

About 3 years ago, I developed a five year plan that would take me to live in New York City by 2010. The plan was pretty simple, it basically consisted of living off half of my paycheck, and developing my resume in such a way that would allow me to easily find a job teaching in the Bronx. That was my dream, and for a few months, that's what kept me going. I hated my job, and that dream is the only thing that got me to school in the mornings.
However, after a while, I forgot about my dream, my plan. I began to love my job, and my life here in Dallas.
This past weekend I returned to New York for the first time in 3 1/2 years. I don't know why I stayed away for so long. It sounds so cliche, wanting to live in New York City, but when I'm there, I feel like that's where I'm supposed to be. As I walk down the street, with hot dog in hand, I feel comfortable, at home, and Central Park is heavenly.
All this to say, the five year plan is back on. I've started grad school now, and I'm a bit committed to things here, but I feel recharged and ready to tackle my dream. I don't know if I'll make it by 2010, but I will make it. Not only do I plan on moving to NYC, but I plan on becoming a bonafide New Yorker. I'm going to start small - I am going to learn to drink coffee and wear high heeled boots. That's the plan today, anyway, but I'm no fool - I know that I will probably wuss out by tomorrow. But at least for today, I have a dream, a plan to get there, and a happy heart.

1 comentario:

Rebecca dijo...

the key is starting with the most sugary latte you can find: i recommend the caramel latte from starbucks... then after a yr switch to something less sweet but equally as tasty... the pumpkin and spice latte, and then you won't even like the super sweet one anymore, before you know it, you'll be drinking your coffee black! ok-maybe it wont go that far b/c that's disgusting. and about the heals... mmm, i'd find some other way to be new yorkery, b/c you have enough trouble walking as it is. :) i can say that, b/c i do too. :) love you.