viernes, noviembre 23, 2007

An Alpaca Adventure

I have had a lot of fun in Peru so far, we went to Machu Picchu, saw some other Inca ruins, hung out in Cusco, and have spent the past day and a half in Lima. Not too many funny stories, but one that I would like to share.
On Tuesday, we (Leslie, Leslie, Matt and I), were eating lunch at some place in some town outside of Cusco. It was a place just like any other, with 2 alpacas sitting outside. If you dont know, an alpaca is kind of like a llama. Anyway, I really wanted to have my picture made with one of the alpacas. So, I picked up a big piece of grass from what i assumed was the food pile, and proceeded to try and feed the alpaca. All of a sudden, the alpaca looked at me, started gnarling its lips, and before i knew what was happening, he spit at me!! It was disgusting, and there were little pieces of grass all over me that had previously been in the alpacas mouth. From what Leslie tells me, I looked quite frightened, and truthfully, I was.
Needless to say, Ive been steering clear of the alpacas.

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