lunes, septiembre 18, 2006
School makes me tired, especially the suck-up kids. They are always asking questions and bothering me, they won't ever just leave me alone. It's funny that they bother me so much...well, not really, I've never really been a huge fan of people talking to me and bothering me...maybe I should give the kids a limit to the amount of times they may raise their hand or approach me during a given wouldn't be so bad if their questions weren't so tediously ridiculous.
sábado, septiembre 16, 2006
Que Viva Mexico
El dieciseis de septiembre - Independence Day in Mexico. I hope that everyone is celebrating and paying homage to la patria, I know that I am, for as we all know, my heart is Mexican, Uruguayan, Honduran, Guatemalan, and just about anything that speaks Spanish and eats beans. Sometimes I wonder why I am here in the United States, but I know the answer...I am here as a teacher, to teach the youth of our country about the people and places that I love so dearly. And this United Statesean purpose of mine works out quite well, for in it I am able to spend about 2 months of the year travelling and fulfilling other dreams in other places. One day I would like to leave this place, perhaps permanently, but I just don't think that it's time for me to go yet, I definitely feel God working me here.
Does anyone know anything about existentialism?? I am on a mission to find out more about it.
The other day I was at the McDonald's playplace with Ryan and Lauren, climbing up in the little tubes and going down the slides, and having the best time ever - except one thing was missing. It took a few minute seconds to figure out what it was, but it came as no surprise to me - I was missing my dear friend, Becca, my soulmate and playmate. I would have invited her to McDonalds, but she is in South Africa and I do miss her.
Does anyone know anything about existentialism?? I am on a mission to find out more about it.

jueves, septiembre 14, 2006
Passing Gas in Class
Well, I guess I'm not very good at keeping up this whole blog thing, but I'm here now, so that's all that matters, right?? School is in session and I'm already pining away for my next summer vacation. There's a kid in my class right now and he keeps burping. Yuck!! I can't get him to is so gross!! I asked the principal about kids passing gas last year, and he said that you can't really do anything about it because it's a natural body function. The burping isn't so bad, last year a kid always farted a lot when he came back from lunch and it smelled so bad!!! It was horrible, some of the worst smells that I have ever smelled. Sometimes it was funny, because the kid would walk right by one of the pretty foo-foo girls and let one out and they would get all excited and sometimes start to cry, but it was hard, because as the teacher, I could not laugh. But I did laugh on the inside and when no one was looking.
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